36 Potent Foods To Help You Lose Weight Live Healthy
Who Else Wants To Lose Weight
& Live Healthy Naturally?
Imagine …
No Pills
No Exercise
No Extra Costs
In 36 Potent Foods to Lose Weight & Live Healthy, you will discover:
a fruit that melts away the fat and leaves you feeling satisfied longer
Michigan State University found certain types of bread actually reduces your appetite
University of Florida found this fruit helps dissolve fat and cholesterol
people think this vegetable puts on the pounds but St. Helena Hospital found you can achieve rapid weight loss
this miracle from Asia makes your metabolism run on high and even lowers cholesterol
what the Roman gladiators ate for strength – it wasn’t meat!
these sweet tiny fruits will satisfy the “sweet tooth” in all of us so we don’t eat empty calories
and more…

Better Mind Better Life
When you hear the term “emotional health or mental health”, what is the first thing that usually comes into your mind? According to researches, mental health normally includes social well-being pertaining to psychological and emotional standings. Mental health affects the way people think, act and feel. In addition to this, mental health also has the ability to help you determine the effective ways of how to handle your stress, make choices and relate to other people.
Mental health is essential in each stage of your life, from childhood, adolescence and adulthood. For those people who are experiencing mental health issues and problems, there is a great chance that your behavior, mood and thinking will be affected. There are different factors that usually contribute to your mental health issues and problems such as family history, life experiences that include abuse and trauma and biological factors that include brain chemistry and genes.
It is a fact that mental health issues and problems are very common however help and prevention is always available. People who are suffering from mental health issues and problems have a great chance to get better and recover completely. For those individuals who are experiencing mental health issues and problems, it is very imperative that you are familiar and aware about the warning signs of having mental health issues and problems. If you have positive and effective mental health, it will allow you to make meaningful contributions to your community, work productively, cope with stress and realize your full potential.
In addition to this, it is also important that you have an apparent and superior understanding about the effective and useful ways of how you can maintain your positive and effective mental health such as developing your coping skills, getting enough hours of sleep, helping others, getting physically fit and active, staying positive, connecting with other people and most importantly getting professional advice and help from experts.

Healthy Weight Loss For Teens
According to the National Center for Health Statistics, there has been a dramatic increase in obesity in Americans since the 1990s.
Almost 9 million (15%) children between the ages of 6 and 19 are overweight, and this number is still growing, according to information gathered between 1999 and 2000 (triple the number since 1980). The information has also shown that another 15% of children between the ages of 6 and 19 are at risk of becoming overweight.
Obesity is defined as having an excessive accumulation of body fat which will result in the person’s body being about 20% heavier than their ideal body weight.
Although teens may have fewer weight related health issues than adults, if they’re already overweight, they are more likely to be an overweight or obese adult. Teens who are overweight (in fact people of all ages that are overweight) are at risk from a number of health issues:
1. Heart Disease
2. Diabetes
3. High Blood Pressure
4. Stroke
5. Cancer
Those teens who are obese may find that they are physically unfit, have a low self esteem, and general unhealthy well being. Many obese people will also tend to have a shorter life expectancy than those who are the right weight for their body size. Plus, it can also lead to social disabilities and unhappiness, which in turn may cause them stress and in some cases, may make them mentally ill.
A study in May 2004 suggested that overweight children are more likely to be involved in bullying than those children who are a normal weight. But they can not only be the victims of bullying, they may be the perpetrators as well.
The development of their own personal identity and body image is an important goal for any teenager.
There are a number of causes for obesity which center around an imbalance in the teens energy they put into their bodies, (calories that they obtain from the food they eat) and the energy they release from their bodies (how good their metabolism is, and how much physical activity they take part in). Often when a teen is overweight, there is a problem with the nutritional value of their diet. It could also be a result of psychological, familial or physiological issues.

Natural Detox
By now, you have most likely heard about body detoxification as it is very much in vogue, especially with celebrities. You might have wondered about the idea of colon cleansing and how it works. When you first hear about body detoxification, you may conjure up images in your mind that are unpleasant. Once you get to understand about body detoxification and how it works, however, you will have a different opinion.
Body detoxification concentrates on cleaning out your digestive system, usually by drinking a solution that is made to clear out your intestines and give the organs in your digestive system a boost. Although it may sound like a surgical procedure, body detoxification only involves drinking and then going to the bathroom. That is all there is to the procedure. It works to make sure that your digestive system is healthy.
When your digestive system is in good working order, your whole body sings. If your digestive system is not healthy, then your whole body suffers. In order to have a healthy body, you must have a healthy digestive system.
But your digestive system is the catch all for all of the toxins that you take into your body. Even if you are a healthy person who does not smoke, does not drink and eats only organic foods, you are still taking in toxins. They are in the air that your breathe, the water that you drink and….well, just about everywhere. These toxins linger in the body and find their way to the digestive system – a vital system that you need to maintain good health.
The digestive system is comprised of organs such as the liver, pancreas, kidneys and intestines. Foods usually enter the digestive system through the stomach and are then passed for processing through the digestive tract. Some foods and drinks that you take in make the kidneys and pancreas work overtime in processing them. All of the organs in the digestive system have a job to do in order to keep your body running healthy. Once food and drink is processed in the system, it is then eliminated by way of waste. Liquids are eliminated by urine and solid waste is eliminated through the intestines as feces.
In some cases, foods can end up getting stuck in the intestines. There are cases where people have had elements in their intestines for 10 years! In addition, the organs also take a beating when it comes to getting rid of toxins as well as some foods that can be difficult for these organs to process. Simple carbohydrates, for example, are very hard on the kidneys and pancreas as well as the liver as they tend to pass through quickly and make these organs work overtime.
Toxins in the air that you breathe enter the system through the circulatory system that brings blood to and from the organs. When you smoke, for example, the smoke is absorbed into your bloodstream and carried throughout your body. This negatively affects the digestive system. Even second hand smoke will take its toll.
Your skin is your biggest organ and when you take a bath or shower using chemicals as are featured in shampoo and soap, you are absorbing toxins into your skin. When you breath in air, you take the toxins into your lungs. It is impossible to live your life toxin free, although a good many people try. You are going to eventually go out and pick up germs that are in the air. It is inevitable that you will come into contact with toxins unless you decide to live your life in a plastic bubble.
body detoxification clears the body of all of the toxins and foods that sit in the digestive system. Not only is it a good way to get the poisons out of your body, but it also works well when it comes to losing weight. Most people find that they can take off quite a few pounds simply by using body detoxification.
Drinking body detoxification fluid is similar to taking a barium enema, except you do not have to drink as much and it tastes much better. A barium enema completely clears out your intestines and is usually given to those who are having tests done on their colon or other digestive organs. This eliminates all of the waste from the body and makes you feel lighter. Not only can it get rid of toxins, but it can get rid of any waste that is lingering in your intestines.
Drinking the body detoxification formula is one of the first steps towards being healthier. You should also take proper precautions when it comes to your health and eat right, exercise and avoid bad habits. body detoxification should be seen as a way to enhance your health, help you lose weight and keep your digestive system healthy. Good body detoxification will also fill your body with the nutrients that you may be lacking so that you stay healthy as well.
This book will teach you all about body detoxification at home and what you need to know about this way of staying fit and healthy. You will learn about the different aspects of body detoxification, who should body cleanse and even how to make your own body detoxification treatments right at home. If you are looking for a way to lose weight, stay healthy and keep your digestive system in good working order, you can find it by embarking on body detoxification.

The Self Esteem Workbook
Introducing …
The Self-Esteem Workbook – Techniques for Global and Personal Transformation!
Everything you need to know about the self esteem and personal transformation is included in this special report:
* New age and personal transformation
* Transforming your personal self esteem
* Exercises for transforming your self esteem
* Building self esteem through personal transformation
* Routes to personal transformation and self esteem
* Writing toward personal transformation
* Self transformation tips

Your Guide To Healthy Eating
Discover the Healthy Eating Secrets You Can Use to Lose Weight & Feel Better Than You Have in Years … Without Starving Yourself or Giving Up Your Favorite Foods!
Here is just some of what you will learn on the pages of this amazing guide:
How to evaluate your current diet – answer these seven questions and you’ll know exactly how you are currently doing as well as what you need to change to begin eating healthier!
What exactly a healthy diet is and how to eliminate your fast food cravings and ensure you’ll continue to eat healthy from here on out – you’ll be amazed at how easy it is to make healthy food choices when you follow these simple tips!
One of the biggest keys to developing a healthy diet and sticking to it – you may be very surprised at what you read here!
Why the saying, “you are what you eat” couldn’t be more true – find out why these five words are words to live by here!
How foods work together – and how to use this information to create well-rounded meals that will start boosting your health and energy in no time!
How to plan healthy meals – planning healthy meals can be difficult, especially if you are cooking for a family who is stuck in a rut of unhealthy meals … however, read this important information and you’ll soon be able to have your family eating healthy without them really even realizing it!
The key to ensuring that you and your family eat healthy meals – plus, how to get your family involved in the preparation of healthy meals … it’s much easier than you think!
How to stock your kitchen to ensure you continue to eat healthy and lose weight – plus, healthy eating tips for when you eat out!
How to cut through all the diet misinformation that’s out there and focus on the tried and true tips that are guaranteed to help you lose weight – as well as improve your health faster than you ever thought possible!
The ABCs of nutrition – learn this info and you’ll always be able to make the healthiest food choices at a meal!
And much, much more – this ebook even includes tasty, “healthy,” easy-to-make recipes that you can start using immediately!